Saturday, February 17, 2007


"An all-new recording, Cubs is made of members from Ireland's United Bible Studies and others in the Deserted Village collective, a group reliable for a rich, earthen folk and the clearest, boldest of production. Yet unlike familiar UBS releases, 'Stonewater' is defined by a more gentle, intimate presentation and a closeness belied by their four members. The swift plucking and flourish of acoustic guitar heard in opening tracks "Jimjam" and "Cool Filter" illustrate the simple idea of the album, a lullaby of nocturnal faerie-tale - the latter of these tracks inserting additional strings and a wordless, androgynous siren-call. All tracks were recorded in the same sessions last winter with the exception of "Opening Doors", an impeccable live recording featuring flute, accordion, and some glowing, unidentifiable stringed instrument over the standard base of clean, flawless picking. The quite literal "Bottlehum" is a jug-solo segue leading into the shanty-requiem "In Memory of Mariners Lost at Sea", a melancholy collection of (again wordless) voices mourning contently, matched in their sway by a salty accordion. Despite the apparent move inland following the plucky march of "Bijou Banjolin", the spirit of the ghost ship can still be sensed on "Mountain Folk Wandering" (these guys do live on an island), perhaps the darkest track on the disc, textured by accordion, reverberating guitar, and an indecipherable, plaintive voice accompanied by several spooks and their chains." animal psi

absolutamente enamorada. su delicadeza, su profundo aroma irlandés, la inconfundible huella de United Bible Studies, ese no sé qué encantandor que tiene la música de Red Favorite o Valerie Webb & Paul Labrecque, su brevedad, su melancolía, su belleza, su acordeón, su banjo, su flauta.. nueve fábulas que parecen pertenecer a un tiempo indefinido, nueve nanas que hipnotizan y arrullan como el reflujo de las mareas, 'una historia verdadera' contada por the Magickal Folk of the Faraway Tree...o quizá, y no sé porqué, los maravillosos paisajes de 'los inmortales' retratados por The Dead Texan. bonito hasta decir basta

en su página de myspace y en rusted rails podéis escuchar dos canciones


  1. ma-ra-vi-llo-so.

    La portada tendrá el tacto de la piedra??

  2. rebonito, rebonito! me encanta 'lanterning' suena como el tacto de un fidow piedril :)

  3. orale!

    ...llevo dos días con este discazo y como dirías tú linda mirta mirta linda, que pasado de bonito!

    caricias directas al corazón!
