Tuesday, December 25, 2007

john fahey

v/a - the great koonaklaster speaks: A Jonh Fahey Celebration (table of the elements, 2007)

"A collusion of folk, blues, ethnic and modern classical methods, Fahey's music suggests both the trikster and the shaman, and has attracted a cult of musician followers over the years, ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime. His unsolved disappearance has inspired another cult that worships Count Saint Germain, a Rosicrucian adept who is said to have never died and assumed various identities over the centuries. Disciples of this sect, heard on this record, believe Fahey, "The Great Koonaklaster," to be the most recent incarnation of Saint Germain. They view Fahey's music as a synthesis of Saint Germain's abilities as a classical composer and skills as an alchemist, and have absorbed his guitar style in order to pay homage to him. There is much to be gleaned from the Kloonaklasterians' rites contained within; whether or not you choose to accept this "Inmortal Motherf#cker of the 20th century" as Saint Germain is up to you"

Jack Rose - since I've been a Man Full Grown
Greg Malcolm - Spanish Flang Dang
Ben Vida - Exorcise / Intone
Sir Richard Bishop - Hood River Lap Dance
Michael Hurley - My Babe, My Babe
No Neck Blues Band w/ John Fahey and Coach Fingers - Overcome
Lichens - Escapisms in a Comedic Forum
Badgerlore - Red Apple
R. Keenan Lawler - I Used To Strive For A Tree Now I Thrive On A Mountain
Pumice - Ceremonial Knives
David Daniell - Crossing the Susquehanna River Bridge


  1. benditos sean todos los homenajes a john fahey :)

  2. ...Tremendo.

  3. rebenditos... uf of uf...

  4. many (belated) thanks--one listen convinced me I need to buy this just for the Jack Rose track alone, and there's other cool (if challenging) stuff here too
