Thursday, June 12, 2008

the lamb called light

"The Lamb Called Night is for now like a one-night inspiration musical project by Theresa Behnen and Clay Ruby. Both had a late night musical vision, seeing and provoking the lamb, the lamb called night. In the shadows of that late night a semi-religious ritual was set up. With hum Hum the Om-drone vocals, plucked strings and campfire-reminiscent percussion the invitation is expressed. Like former churchvisitors on poison, they now sing for a different holy place, preferably with nature. The female vocals are whispery ; the vocal harmonies are from harmonious to very odd. Some combinations of its kind of religious song inspiration sounds in its sphere, as something in between a very tempered Spires That In the Sunset Rise, with a devotional aspect of course, and Long Live Death, with something of the mystical aspects of the Finnish Lau Nau & Islaja. The second track, listed as “Alleluia”, is a most recognisable song, with drums and percussion, electric bass, acoustic guitar. "Part of The Plan" is done in a semi-Middle Eastern mode, with droning plucked strings. Of course this is also a psychedelic (folk) song. Very good and very enjoyable." psychedelic folk

foto: tanaken


  1. Gran disco!!!

  2. Muchas gracias por el disco y mucha suerte a Rafa, para que pueda rescatar cuando antes al pobre gatito.

  3. sorry to bother but it seems the file has since become unavailable. if possible it would be appreciated if it could be re-uploaded, if anyone could. really want to hear this. thank you
