Saturday, July 12, 2008

kemialliset ystävät

"Kemialliset Ystävät (based in Tampere, Finland) is the drunken bird's dream, the mouldy instrument, the song of half past four am joy, people bathing in fairy's pee and releasing the enchanting sound and the tantalising sound. They have been active movers in the Finnish underground for over a decade now, slowly building their own castle of sound. Someone wrote that is was like "landscapes glimpsed from a train: marching band melodies scored for duck calls and bells, huge fields of teleporting percussion, accordion-led music box refrains and heartbreaking almost-songs carried on tides of wordless vocals". With members coming and going, the music of Kemialliset Ystävät is always moving to new and unknown territories.
Harmaa Laguuni feature performances from quite a few of our favorite Finnish noisemakers, including members of Avarus, Kiila and Es. Also - Tom & Christina Carter of Charalambides guest! All exclusive tracks, this was released for Kemialliset Ystävät's 2008 usa tour. Limited tour-only release...and not available in stores! Eat up. Fast." secret eye


  1. Wonderful!!!

  2. i love this blog! why don't you add rss feeds so scatterbrains like me won't miss any of your posts? ;)

  3. :) this is Balalaika
