Wednesday, July 15, 2009

harps of fuchsia kalmia with delphine dora

"Harps of Fuchsia Kalmia is the new weird-folk,avant-folk forest-music project of Salvatore Borrelli ((etre), Wondrous Horse); the music is made in a direct way, without processing or any other disturbance. Here he is joined by Delphine Dora, the brilliant singer and musician, who adds her honey sweet voice and piano to this already captivating set of sounds. "Pantomima Terrestre" or "Pantomime of the earth" could not be a more fitting name, this is the earth's musical, a complete production with characters, story lines and dedications, a perfect collage of traditional folk, field recordings, organic drones and percussion. delphine's airy vocals mingle with the drum beats, space sounds and radio static. birds chirp, dogs bark, cars drive by, and records spin backwards. sluggish dulcimer & guitar plucks crescendo beneath the drone of the harmonium. uniquely improvisational and experimental without loosing its familiarity, there's only one way to discover this world. press play. if your into caethua, vapaa, nnck, donato epiro and any other trippy explorations of italy, finland and forest spirits everywhere, this tape will not disappoint." tired trails
foto: papalinky
dos discos como dos soles que se se unen a la extensa e interesante discografía de salvatore borrelli. además de la presencia de delphine dora (me recuerda sin parecerse al mítico "2" de rawfrucht), valerio cosi añade minutos mágicos a una de las canciones de 'the angular accelleration...' : 'appuntamento ad hora insolita' a partir del segundo :46, y en especial ese saxo estratosférico que tanto me gusta a partir del minuto 4:04.


  1. harps of fuchsia kalmia siempre me sumergen a paisajes tan surrealistas... bendita sea italia por cobijar proyectos/ músicos así... imparables...

    y a quien no les conocía que tampoco dejen de escuchar 'devenir animal' con las ediciones yummy de centre of wood :)

    sí que se pone la piel de gallina al escuchar ese saxo... lleva.

  2. ya va tocando grabación con la remesa de turno, porque esto sigue sonando fatal.

  3. urgen unos buenos altavoces (aunque digas que ya no escuchas música:))

    bendita sea, caracola, y sellos tan 'yummys' como centre of wood o tired trails :)

  4. glad you dig this release everyone. its a beauty. this tape is also still available from the label:

    thanks. xx
