Wednesday, November 18, 2009


"although finlander jonna karanka has been slowly leaking out little kuupuu jewels for six years now, somehow it’s taken just that long to materialize her first ‘proper’ album. maybe it has something to do with the time she’s devoted to her beautiful artwork, or her time spent in a highly impressive string of other bands, included Hertta Lussu Assa (with Islaja and Lau Nau), Anaksimandros, Avarus, and many others… but, you know, i always figured kuupuu music didn’t have much to do with ‘time’ anyway. it’s music from another reality, to put it bluntly. a beautiful place no doubt, but somehow totally other. you could call this music a lot of things, all without really saying much… post-everything? pre-birth folk? bedtime acid-art? naive avant-garde loop witchcraft? maybe something like a thousand memories & vague images folded into each other and spooled out infinitely like a sloppy film loop…now play backwards in slow motion… surreal might just be an understatement… " time~lag

foto: roraadear

listen, the snow is falling...
(gracias toxinho)


  1. que ocupado estoy últimamente y cuanto por comentar, gracias ana.
    me encanta lo nuevo de best coast, no había conseguido salir de 'so was high' y caí en 'make you mine' y keijo, robert horton y ahora kuupuu todos favorindos :))

    ¿qué más se puede pedir?

  2. jose-pine y topaz rags? :)

  3. Thanks!

    I knew this blog will be the first to post this new kuupuu!

  4. almost! dronea dronea was the first :)
    i've been waiting so long and worth my while, so beautiful from beginning to end
