Tuesday, June 21, 2011

matt valentine

"...elements of deep forest psychedelia brush against Crazy Horse guitar / vocal flourishes that explode to reveal volk-based form mayhem at its hickiest. My particular fave here is PK Dick, a paean to nth dimensional logic in the form of a Swedish psych-folk readymade. My son prefers the haunted-Harvest-vibe (his words) of  Ave. B. My wife goes for the Seventh Sons approach offered by Sweet Little Indian Girl (always a fave with the ladies). And my daughter nods in the direction of Continuing the Good Life for reasons she will not explain. All this just goes to show that What I Became is a fun album for the whole family. It will soothe your savage breasts. It will turn your evil mother-in-law into a porpoise. It will wash your dishes and darn your socks. Darn them! Motherfucker, who else would do that? Nobody, Jack, except Matt Valentine. This guy has the magic touch. And it has never been displayed better than here..." woodsist
otro disco para seguir en modo floating...ease my eyes, por decir alguna, es maravillosa. neil young vs wooden wand, hush arbors & satya sai, sin ecstatic peace. 'this guy has the magic touch', mil veces sí!
 buy / download (gracias, davide)


  1. tanta musica para escuchar y tan poco tiempo. los dias deberían ser de 30 horas, o mejor, las jornadas laborales de 4 :-)

    ainhoa aka danielita thompson

  2. oh man, this is good! thanks.
