Wednesday, May 30, 2012

lebeha men

"in 2010, No Kings co-founder Stephen Molyneux traveled to Cambodia and made some bewitching field recordings. this year he took a month long sabbatical to Central America, his first and last stop was in coastal Hopkins, Belize where Stephen crafted this follow-up of sorts with locals, the LeBeha Drummers. Garifuna Field Recordings is the group’s second physical release and was made directly onto cassette in single takes by Stephen, and focuses on a performance of two core group members Warren Martinez, Clayton Williams, and their teacher Jabbar Lambey, so they’ve retitled themselves for this release as LeBeha Men, which translates to “The End Men” in Garifuna." no kings

aire pisca! que diría pipo... vuelve stephen molyneux con más grabaciones de campo, cambiando esta vez la humedad camboyana por los ritmos caribeños de belize, un pequeño país de américa central. no os perdáis los vídeos de leBeha drummers

foto via onyx earth

1 comment:

  1. este tipo de música siempre me ha parecido muy energética, tambores que te impulsan a levantarte.

    Por cierto, ese leopardo me recuerda a cierto gatito dormido encima de la pantalla del ordenador, con su patuco colgante :-)

    ainhoa :-)
