Wednesday, August 29, 2012

dreamers cloth

"here is a tiny album from Danish musician Dreamers Cloth. It was released by Relax With Nature on a cassette titled A Bamboo Dream. this feeds me the necessary energies and inspirations I need to cancel out the bad shit. excellent healing pleasure. as far as I know, he’s got 4-5 releases under that name… all sold out though ~ super limited edition. though I do believe there is a blog out there that one might be able to find his stuff on (that is an assignment)." gift tapes

sold out ~ download

"New Age meditation dance party on tropical beach, getting one with nature under a relaxing shower of multi~colored fractals and shining keys. It’s only the dreamer who moves mountains. Fantastically zoned drones from Denmark . Smoked-wreathed drones underpin heady swirls of vocal wail and wow." sloow tapes

"I think Mind Beach is whenever you rest your thoughts on something ~ and that could be anything really... Mind Beach is a picture of this static “thought gazing". But, also when you’re having many concurrent thoughts and the next minute everything seems solved and you rest your mind on one specific thing. This way, “Mind Beach” works as a landing strip for your thoughts. That is a picture I find really beautiful" jonas frederiksen aka dreamers cloth

sold out ~ download

"Relax with Nature is my idea of chilling out and going with the flow. I think that what I’m trying to evoke is an atmosphere of a place where civilization and culture is non~existing. Maybe I should call it cultural~civilization, since our concept of civilization is defined and interpreted via our culture. What I’m talking about is a place ~ or a state of mind, which becomes real the very second cultural~civilization is cancelled, and all that is left is nature ~ but ~ a new nature where, amongst other things, communication between individuals isn’t corrupted by words. I know this sounds really romantic and it’s also paradoxical to try to describe a place free from culture by means of words!..." jonas frederiksen aka dreamers cloth

sold out ~ download
dreamers cloth ~ the coconut pearl (relax with nature, 2008)
"Dreamers Cloth is diving underwater in the ambient dreamlands of fantasy creatures and unknown high sky visions. beautiful & psychedelic new age bliss-sound drones, for the fans of Ashtray Navigations, Family Underground, Skaters, Dolphins Into The Future."

sold out ~ download ~ see

"Dreamers Cloth is Jonas Frederiksen from Copenhagen. He has been pumping out limited-edition, cassette-only recordings from a secret lair in Denmark as fast as eager bloggers can upload them. The idea of swimming in an ocean on a distant planet full of telepathic otters, diving underwater in the ambient dreamlands of fantasy creatures and unknown high sky visions: these are beautiful & psychedelic new age bliss-sound drones. Jonas runs the tape label Beyond Repair" ~

sold out ~ download

dreamers cloth es una pequeña y exótica maravilla del danés jonas frederiksen, uno de esos grupos 'clima' tan escondidos que agradeces mil veces que exista alguien que se acuerde de ellos y finalmente lleguen a ti. su música es infinitamente evocadora, como si fuese tocada bajo el agua rodeado de peces y corales de colores, o compuesta en una habitación junto al océano pacífico, huye de la contaminación, del frío, sueña e imagina paisajes tropicales en sellos como relax with nature o beyond repair y todo es tan bonito que es imposible resistirse a compartir casi todos sus discos. no puedo evitar asociar nombres: dolphins into the future y monopoly child star searchers sobrevolándolo todo, buchikamashi y komodo haunts flotando en el hilo musical, james ferraro, john elliott, exo tapes, palmeras, sol, tormentas de verano, cascadas de agua, cocos, sueños de bambú, buscadores de perlas, playas imaginarias, grabaciones de campo, de agua, kraut, psicodelia submarina, hypnagogic pop, ambient, lo-fi, glow-fi, chill wave,... todo!, para volar muy muy lejos. larga vida, espero, quiero

entrevista a jonas frederiksen, aquí