Monday, August 20, 2012


pentros ~ a night residue (love all day, 2012)

"A Night Residue was recorded entirely in a bedroom studio in the very late evening on the brink of slumber. Pentros wanders the off-roads between electronic and acoustic spaces. In its improvisational unfolding, A Night Residue evokes the contingent atmosphere of dreams~aural atmosphere paradoxically defined by a cloud of melodic fragments. Disparate elements coalesce in moments of sharp lucidity."

todo lo que tenga un poquito que ver con panabrite (' a chance'!), blithe sons, evan caminiti o dolphins into the future será siempre bienvenido. 'resting on winter winds' (emocionante, delicada como la espuma del mar), 'ground and complete', 'darkets of night' (sci-fi lullaby, el futuro en el pasado), 'carried by sea' (demasiado bonita para describirla con palabras, suena incluso una steel, o dobro, o...) y 'pacífica' no se escuchan, se respiran, acarician, adormecen...sintetizadores analógicos, viento, mareas, burbujas, pajarindos

listen ~ buy


  1. "A Fundamental Experiment", V/A play Neil Young ?

  2. es muy bueno este dísquele, 'ground and complete'!!
