Thursday, August 02, 2012

sacred flower union

"Sacred Flower Union presents four flowing pieces of warm landscapes, strange, absent minded gorgeousness, building from a burble to a steady, patient groove punctuated by whooping, think Oxygene but less cheesy. considering Sacred Flower Union man Dan Griffin is no longer working contemporaneously with the now defunct Clean Living, there may well be more to come soon." life is noise

"good soul-food for fans of Emeralds/Mark McGuire, White Rainbow, Ashra, Cluster, Stag Hare, all that good shit. this is a fantastic, lively/relaxing set" the thounsands

1 comment:

  1. When I touch the Clouds,
    I'll be in heaven,
    the other side of the clouds,
    the sun is shining.....
    j'aime la photo, beaucoup !!!
