Thursday, November 01, 2012

cults percussion ensemble

"an oddly beautiful compendium of tuned percussion music played by an ensemble of Aberdeenshire school children. all twelve tracks were recorded and issued privately in 1979, with financial support by Grampian Regional Council and Aberdeen Educational Trust. the recording itself is very peculiar, combining child like exotic percussion flourishes and eerie, swirling sound tones, all beautifully played with a melancholic innocence only youth can muster. years ago, when I first heard this record, I instantly thought of Jonny Trunk. It's like the perfect Trunk record and it seems fitting he's decided to reissue it. what's not to love, there's spectral vibraphonic glissando, impish flourishes played on glockenspiels, proto hip hop drum breaks played on timpani drums and fourteen year old musicians conjuring all sorts of weird little shimmering sound shapes of sonic wonder on every composition. It features a fourteen year old Dame Evelyn Glennie and a rather fine beige sleeve, which according to the sleeve notes, Jonny Trunk decided was too beige for a contemporary audience. I guess he's right. Head over to Trunk HQ to find out a little more." a sound awareness



  1. Fabulous record! Thanks for sharing the digital files...I just ordered the LP from my local shop.

  2. i'm glad you like it michael, there's a lot of old treasures in dusty shelf, a sound awareness and lunar atrium blogs and this is defintely one of them :)

  3. hostia puta!! qué maravilla

  4. qué maravilla. es como felicidad de niño. "erlangen polka" es enoooorme, me da ganas de reír :)

  5. Wonderful music.
    I have to buy this record.
    Thanks for the share, much appreciated.

  6. Mic placement is important when recording drums.

  7. A very unusual and exciting album. Thanks for sharing it.

  8. This sold out way before I knew about it so thanks for sharing!
