Monday, January 14, 2013

monopoly child star searchers

"Monopoly Child Star Searchers aka Spencer Clark has masterfully assembled The Garnet Toucan, the final work in his Romance Audio Trilogy following both Bamboo For Two and Make Mine Macaw." underwater peoples

"coming down from his prior 2012 release Inner Tube with Mark McGuire Spencer Clark fills all our Living Room Visions with star-searching on the highest astral planes. I’m heavily influenced as a thinker by Spencer’s creative music and writing. I read The Garnet Toucan poem by Clark in a free zine called Linda (co-curated by me!), which originally came in an order from Tomentosa in April. Actually, all the releases I own by Spencer has some form of literature in them. As a companion to his musical works, his writing is spot on and presents the most neolithic science fiction creativity known to Earth." tiny mix tapes

"Pacific City is a city outside of where I live, where my thoughts of hallucinations of landscape environments happen all the time. It’s an alternate place, and that’s where the music comes from. Visualisation is the zone for me. If the idea that any sounds can be acceptable in order to reach a new landscape or frame of zone, I am always up on that. The mind can spend forever imagining something and figuring out its detail, and to bring that to life is like creationism. The intention in these works lies in finding a symbolic, exotic, animal to unleash a psychoactive environment expression that leads one to an elaborate meeting with the natural world. The Garent Toucan completes the trilogy by uncovering the symbolic animal’s transfiguration into the outerzone of infinite space. The Parrot or Toucan is thought of as a mediator between human and nature…" spencer clark

sold out ~ download
hace tiempo que necesitaba desesperadamente 'make mine, macaw', la segunda parte de la trilogía dedicada al loro de Spencer Clark aka Charles Berlitz y gracias a un alma generosa por fin he podido escucharla. hay un archivo circulando en algunos blogs y en el pájaro azul que en realidad no son las canciones de verdad de 'make mine, macaw', sino algún directo perdido de un grupo de noise que por algún extraño motivo se traspapeló. monopoly child star searchers, palabras mayores. si existe un artista mágico capaz de crear un universo propio (un entrañable tucán que para él representa el nexo de unión entre el ser humano y la naturaleza y Pacific City, ese lugar inventado donde da rienda suelta a su imaginación) ése es Charles Berlitz. compone canciones que son como toboganes por donde van deslizándose los sonidos más exóticos que puedas imaginar y a partir de ahí todo es como si fuera una monopoly-fiesta: los sonidos circulares, los ritmos en cascada, las farfisas o teclados que parecen tucanes que hablan y los bongos saltarines. qué alegría saber que cada nuevo disco de monopoly child star searchers sonará como un disco de monopoly child star searchers y provocará el despliegue de los anteriores.



  2. Ohhh ! thank you so much ! You're one of the most amazing blogs around here !

  3. link dead~~

  4. hi anonymous, what link? it's weird because the three links seems to work fine with me
