Tuesday, July 02, 2013


"Tangles. of all glasgow's guitar wizards who are also astrophysicists, ricky egan is my favorite. when i learned of his astrophysics background it actually made total sense given the fact that his music reminds me of the stars themselves. some twinkling, some shooting, others arranged in nice constellations, all of them immediately present, strangely comforting, but just beyond reach." animal image research 

 listen/buy ~ sold out ~ download

"Tangles provide another gem on the Triple You Tapes series run by the Friendship Bracelet blog. On 'One Hundred Million Billion Is a Lot but You Should Know More' they achieve a sound somewhere between James Ferraro's 'Last American Hero' and Dolphins Into The Future's 'Ke Ala Ke Kua', a sanguine, somnambulent drifter sound shaped from gaseous wordless vocals and languid liquid guitars and synths which appear to be perpetually moving out of focus. The second half of this is particularly sweet. The other 15 minute day-tripper, '"No Sweat," the Frolixian Said' is infused with a heady jazz-iness and smudged into the next dimension with some achingly gorgeous, detuned and slightly Lynchian moments. Really nice stuff." boomkat

foto: plotos

sold out ~ listen ~ buy

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