Monday, January 13, 2020

2019 mixes (I): Steve Targo

Dear readers, we hope you are having a good beginning of the new year -and decade. Regarding the decade, it's been an amazing one for our musical explorations. This blog has been getting a little slower lately but we still love it and try to do our best to keep it the place of peace and musical pleasure it has always been to us. This time, we thought we'd do something different in celebration of the new year. I think it's safe to say that all we at Microphones in the Trees have somewhat oposite feelings about making lists. You know, when you love music so much it can be fun and so hard at the same time to make a selection. Also, you would never finish listening to all the wonderful music is being made nowadays. Covering it all is impossible because there are always more and more hidden gems to discover.

So, although we enjoy making lists, this time we planned to do something different. We asked some artists and label owners to submit some of their favourite music of the year in a mix, and we got some really awesome mixes to share with you.This post is the first of a series that will release these personal pictures of the year that is gone. 

Today we present a mix by Steve Targo, well known for his beloved project Inner Travels, which has given us so much aural pleasure in recent years. He chose to include some of the music from past times he listened to in the year along with music from 2019, and this turned out to be a really special mix. Thanks Steve!

Happy new year everyone, and enjoy the music!



1. Skyminds: “Sunrise Trails the Growing Dawn” (Skyminds) ~ Auasca
2. Deuter: “Easy Is Right” (Celebration)
3. Pharoah Sanders: “The Golden Lamp” (Wisdom Through Music)
4. Qi Hammer: “Gulab Jamoon” (Gobi 65) ~ s/r
5. Endurance: “Outside” (Endurance/PJS split) ~ Crash Symbols
6. Inoyama Land: “Fairy Tale” (Commissions: 1977-2000) ~ Light in the Attic
7. Rhucle: “Aloe” (Photosynthesis) ~ Patient Sounds
8. Sun Ra: “Journey Among the Stars” (Cosmos)
9. Daniel GuillĂ©n: “Rainbow” (Inner Vision) ~ Muzan Editions
10. Pulse Emitter: “Ice Grotto” (Calming Winds) ~ Muzan Editions
11. Jonas Munk & Nicklas Sorensen: “Here” (Always Already Here) ~ El Paraiso Records
12. Agitation Free: “Laila” (Live ‘74)

(photos by S. Targo)


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