Thursday, January 16, 2025


tegu ~ owl island (not not fun, 2024)

Across 53 minutes, the music moves between séance and visitation, alternately lurking and expectant, bathed in a sheen of starlight and streetlights. Fellow voyagers Wave Temples and X.Y.R. join for a pair of smoky, cosmic cameos, but otherwise this is a solitary affair – locked in, looking up, mapping new constellations in the expanding void. ~ britt brown, not not fun

owl island is a place far somewhere in the universe which the US label Not Not Fun has been meticulously crafting for past 20 years ~ hazed fourth-world utopianism, full of exotic paysages which are more and more becoming a pure fantasy on our densely populated planet. though it's not necessarily Earth where Tegu sounds are taking us, since the music on the tape has no signs of humans ~ even the ever-present drums here sound more as natural phenomena in their monotonous propulsion, while well-rounded synth melodies which support them probably are metabolic product of some exquisite air-purifying plant family. there is no pathway in these thickets but nothings too dangerous as well, maybe only the possibility of dissolving in this inviting greenery. is this paradise gardens? (as the cover art suggests) or it's a fresh start for this spark of sentience once dazzled by its own greatness?

listen ~ support ~ cassette rip


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