Tuesday, May 08, 2007

sunburned hand of the man

"Z is about infinity and the double dimension we all live in yet don't fully understand. Z is the sound of that feeling you get when you think you're being watched or followed by the omnipotent one. Z is for believers and followers of the "Ecstatic Thruth" that fuels this mysterious Universe. Z has always existed and here it is as remembered and transfered solid by the people under the sun, the Sunburned..." John Moloney, Sunburned Hand of the Man
"Super-heavy new album from Sunburned Hand Of The Man, with long Industrial Krautrock-styled space-thud jams that crank the noise levels way beyond any of their recent releases and push further into the kind of malefic no wave riff construction that sounds most like an extremely dilated Sonic Youth circa "Brother James". Other tracks have a group doof feel that is somewhere between Acid Mothers Temple and Sun City Girls, if the latter hadda been fronted by an incoherently drunk Handsome Dick Manitoba. Never saw this one coming." volcanic tongue
02 ∞∞
03 ∞∞∞
04 ∞∞∞∞
05 ∞∞∞∞∞


  1. entre que no entiendo ingles y los títulos de las canciones tampoco dicen mucho solo me queda una opción, escuchar su música para ver a qué suena :-)

  2. 'brother james' uuuuufff eso fue el principio de todo.

    kill yr idols, sonic death

  3. No les he escuchado, pero sabiendo que actuaron en el No Fun Fest, se hace uno una ligera idea (o no).

  4. Los descubrí hace poquísimo, pero me tienen enganchadísimo...Muolahn...
    GRAN BLOG...

  5. hola paciente r, es tuya la portada de barsowia? muolah!:)

    por cierto, eres el segundo dibujante de cómics y de vigo que conozco en menos de un mes.
    ..y muchas gracias por los ánimos, casualmente hoy los necesito
