Tuesday, March 19, 2024

loris s. sarid

loris s. sarid - music for tomato plants (constellation tatsu, 2020)

"Music for Tomato Plants is the first collection of tracks by Glasgow-based artist Loris S. Sarid.

Written between October 2019 and January 2020, music for tomato plants is the result of Loris's growing interest in quiet, asmr-like , hyper-realistic sounds. Recorded as a series of short kalimba and glockenspiel improvisations at first, then broken down and rearranged incorporating more elements and various types of audio manipulation.

 "Music for Tomato Plants was born while taking care of a little tomato plant, grown on the windowsill of his flat during the winter 2020. The album is a homage to the unapparent courage of simplicity, and the beauty and lightness of the most ordinary things." "In the same spirit of Mort Garson, Green-House and others who synthesize the natural and musical worlds, this ambient serenade for tomato plants is a welcome saunter through a humble garden" - Charlie Moonbeam 

único vinilo publicado hasta ahora de nuestro querido sello de cintas de cassette Constellation Tatsu, pero qué vinilo!. Green de Hiroshi Yoshimura, Plantasia de Mort Garson, David Edren, Green-House, Golden Pear... ¿Qué tienen las plantas que atrae a tantos músicos e inspiran los discos más bonitos? Este vinilo rojo y comestible está dedicado a las plantas de tomate. improvisaciones de kalimba y glockenspiel, delicadas texturas y arreglos y ese aroma añejo a disco rescatado de los años 70. afirmar que las plantas escuchan y disfrutan la música que les ponemos tal vez sea dejarse llevar, pero dejarse llevar estoy segura de que es el objetivo de este disco precioso. Placidez pura.

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