Monday, February 11, 2013

tim coster

"this c32 cassette (factory dubbed & printed chrome, dolby B) collects five tracks which more or less reflect pieces I was working on as recordings and in live performances over the last year. recorded mainly with Eurorack modular synthesizer, endless "answer-phone" cassettes, effects and a few other gadgets, this is my first long-ish solo release since Star Mill in 2007." tim coster

"this is spiritualist, purposeful drone. side A uses clear, bell-like tones and a flute that sounds oddly like a calliope as well, giving the opener the feel of both desert and riverside. side B is lower in pitch, contains some careful guitar tones, and gives the impression of drifting in a beautiful, serene way. lovely work." foxy digitalis

"five new tracks recorded using Eurorack modular synth, answer phone cassettes, F/X and gadgets. beautiful, spectral drone and eerie late night atmospherics, with the odd sculptural appeal of Harry Bertoia’s invented instruments crossed with deep cosmo tones and the feel of a more nocturnal, early electro take on the more personal/diaristic Mirror/Christoph Heemann sides. Tim Coster should appeal to fans of Ian Middleton, Asmus Tietchens, Scott Foust et al. very beautiful and recommended." volcanic tongue

 sold out ~ listen/buy ~ download

"had the great pleasure of witnessing this Auckland/Melbourne charmer play a show at my house earlier this year while on his US tour. With a background in fine art sculpture, his suitcase set with tiny modular synthesizer, looping pedals, keyboard, and accoutrements laid out on the floor looked sufficiently feng shui as the sound drifted slowly out into the room and enveloped the crowd in a lulling cloud that was imbued with folk sensibility and fervor, in addition to restraint. Mediterranean Years includes material he recorded in Echo Park on that trip, and it’s as if he bottled that luminescent cloud and transferred it to tape, still moving, slowly dissipating." no kings

minimalismo cálido y acogedor, música celestial. más que un trabajo, un método de trabajo: 'we'. un sintetizador modular, teclados, loops y cintas manipuladas que, como sin querer, dan forma a dos de los discos más bonitos y relajantes, puro buen feng shui. todo suena a creación en libertad e intimidad, a trabajador artesano en su día a día. para escuchar de noche y despertarse en la casita del árbol que todos querríamos tener.

sold out ~ listen/buy


  1. Thanks so much for listing all these amazing releases, labels, people!!!

    Best blog ever <3


  2. i LOVE his no kings tape
