Monday, February 11, 2013


[...] trees :: do you remember the “depressed” penguin? he ran towards the unknown, surely knowing that he would die. I envy him, the determination to left the community. maybe we should dedicate one song to the adventurous penguin!
braden :: Of course I remember the “depressed” penguin. I’ll make a song for the penguin and send it to you when it’s done. ;-) [...]

recupero esta pregunta de la entrevista que le hicimos a braden j mckenna el año pasado. en ella hablábamos del pingüino que werner herzog filmó en el imprescindible documental "encounters at the end of the world" (werner herzog, 2007). puede sonar a tontería pero ese pingüino me rozó con las alas esa cosa llamada corazón, de ahí que poder inmortalizar esa caricia a través de la música de braden suena a regalo del cielo. "letting go" y sus casi 20 minutos de bucle ingrávido musican a la perfección la percepción que me transmiten estas imágenes y que bien podrían resumirse así:

"this penguin dared to dream, he ran towards the unknown just so he could understand the unknown. he threw his life away to answer the ultimate question, what lies on the other side. this penguin was beautiful, and I will never forget it as it has touched my spirit in a way no other penguin ever could. he ventured forth into the dark, so that he could shine his light and open the way for all penguin kind."