microphones in the trees: james 'god' blackshaw

Thursday, May 24, 2007

james 'god' blackshaw

"Blackshaw draws as much inspiration from early religious music, South-Asian folk music and composers such as Arvo Part, Simeon Ten Holt, Steve Reich and Charlemagne Palestine as he does from John Fahey, Robbie Basho and the early Takoma Records roster, constantly breaking boundaries in what could be conceived as a somewhat limited medium. In his part improvised and part written songs, Blackshaw makes expert use of Eastern and Western scales, chord changes reminiscent of European classical music and incredibly intricate fingerpicking patterns to make a sound that is both challengingly minimalistic, yet warm and approachable to anybody who might hear it, with a rare sensitivity that conveys both immense beauty, hope and sadness" tompkins square

"I've been enamored with the fingerpicked style of guitar for quite a few years now and it always amazes me how such a similar technical style can yield so many varied undertones of emotion. For such a young player James Blackshaw seems to have really carved out a place for himself amongst his peers. His style is marked by a restrained beauty and calm wonderment that sometimes surpasses older players who give up style for intensity. Blackshaw's latest record The Cloud of Unknowing expounds upon his circular style of playing and fills each repetition with a sublime joy and comfortability with his instrument. Adding some extra percussive and orchestral bits to his sound, Blackshaw has created his most wondrous and achingly beautiful record yet, which considering some of the recordings he's produced in such a short time, really speaks to his ability. This record feels right for the coming summer; a calm lay in the grass pulling shapes from tattered clouds, the smell of childhood in your nose and the feel of playful wind on your ears..." raven sings the blues
"Un genio de 24 años y la mitad de cuerdas.... Que la poesía es expresar la belleza por medio de las palabras es algo que habría que poner en duda desde el mismo instante en que empieza "True Believers". "Transient Life In Twilight" es poesía, y no sólo por esas cuatro palabras bellamente colocadas. Y también "The Elk With Jade Eyes". Desde que empieza hasta que acaba." carla sierra, de monocromo

alce con ojos de jade es poesía, y no sólo por esas cuatro palabras bellamente colocadas...sí!!. y como los ojos, el sonido también tiene colores, lo que ocurre es que no se pueden ver, sólo intuir e interpretar: naturaleza verde intenso y cascadas de agua cristalina. ni Stephen Basho-Junghans, ni Ben Chas-ní, ni Sir Richard Bishop, ni Glenn Jones, ni Voice of the Seven Woods, ni siquiera John Fahey logran transmitirme algo parecido. si acaso Dance Enis Dance de Mike Tamburo o ese momento mágico llamado Winter's Temper...pero Running to the Ghost de James Blackshaw es una canción, campanillas incluídas, escandalosamente bonita y emocionante. reinterpreta el sonido Takoma y aparenta lo contrario. es, a su manera, más etéreo, espiritual y lleno de matices, cadencias y tonalidades que ningún otro guitarrista. James, con su cara de niño bueno, corta la respiración cada vez que se sienta, coloca la guitarra sobre sus rodillas y desliza sus dedos prodigiosos sobre las doce cuerdas. y lo hace de una forma tan personal que sólo puedes aplaudir. Spiralling Skeleton Memorial, The Cloud of Unknowing, The Mirror Speaks y White Goddess.
The Mirror Speaks (mp3 cortesía de Naturalismo)
...de regalo, Sandstorms de Viking Moses


Anonymous said...

Nice, I'm looking forward to this album so much!

I saw him in Amsterdam a couple of weeks ago. He played a short set of songs - on I think the hottest April day in the Netherlands ever - which was really nice. He's amazing, especially considering the fact that he only plays guitar for a couple of years now.

Here's a recording of that session:
James Blackshaw, Amsterdam, April 15 2007

And here are some more nice recordings from that same radio show:
Dwars @ VPRO


Anonymous said...

puff... "running to the ghost" hiela la sangre

Anonymous said...

este hombre/niño no tiene manos, tiene magia. Preciosa canción

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhh ya lo quiero yaaaaaaaaa ahhhhhhhhh cómo me flipa este james :D

rafa said...


ana said...

me alegro, magia pura :)

thanks for your links bubbachups, flying right now!

Sérgio Hydalgo said...

in.studio performance and interview with james.

sownload at má fama: www.mafama.blogspot.com

the besr,

the cosmogonic escrotolitum said...

adoro a este hombre, su música y su espíritu; titular su nuevo disco con el nombre de la preciosa obra mística medieval ya me hace quererle mucho más
se intuye un corazón puro

Anonymous said...

Hombre, Cosmo, me alegra verte por esta maravillosa casa. Ana ha sido (es) mi mentora musical desde hace mucho tiempo. Es de las pocas personas a las que no me apetece provocar (aunque alguna vez lo he hecho, sin quererlo).

Por cierto, me está gustando bastante lo que me he bajado de este James. Lástima que en la oficina hayan censurado las páginas de mydatabus. Cómo me gustaría escucharlo en este mismo momento, rodeado como estoy de expedientes y ficheros...

Un saludo y espero volver a entrar por aquí con frecuencia

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.