"The long-awaited, long-whispered about Magickal Folk Of The Faraway Tree album has finally arrived. Those of you who have been asking for a reissue for a long time and are now being rewarded with a double CD. "The Mildew Leaf" and "The Cat's Melodeon" cdrs have long been out of print. Along with a track from the Gold Leaf Branches comp they make up Disc One. Disc Two is all new recordings, further exploring the Peter Kennedy songbook and beyond. This is a Deadslackstring/Deserted Village split release. We thank for your patience and are delighted to present this collection of songs to you." deserted village
"They capture the atmosphere of a field recording simultaneously catching the perfect sound of their instruments and voices so you can literally feel the music and the buring coal fire..." common folk meadow
por fin...un sueño hecho realidad, el muy muy muy esperado e idializado nuevo disco de the magickal folk of the faraway tree ya está aquí. dos discos, el primero contiene los descatalogados the cat's melodeon y the mildew leaf, y el segundo canciones nuevas, todas tan bonitas como cabía esperar. el genuino disco de la pradera con banjos (blackbirds and trushes!), flautas, canciones tradicionales irlandesas y melodías saltarinas.
foto: rianna cox
por fin, por fin, por fin!!! cuanto tiempo esperando y siempre el mismo mensaje en 'deserted village'. ahora bajo las nuevas chansons. me ha alegrado la semana y me lo pido, :)
pd.: genial el nuevo de tara burke que también se echaba en falta.
(sigo por aquí, desde las sombras)
Much as I hate to leave a correction for my first ever comment here, the link for Deadslackstring goes to the wrong site. The correct address is
The one linked to in the blog post is an old site for the label, but it's basically been dormant for a few years now. The new site's only just up and running though, it's understandable that the proper address isn't too well known yet, but I thought I'd better comment for the sake of accuracy if nothing else. Other than that, keep up the good work!
hi fp, i really appreciate your words and your correction. you're right, because searching this album in google i couldn't find your real site, and now i see a wonderful review. thank you so much!
adrián, ahora a esperar el nuevo de feathers :)
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