The formidable guitarist James Blackshaw, who along with the tragically-late Jack Rose helped to stoke a John Fahey et al revival, always belonged to that second camp — his music was never Urban Outfitters folk to begin with, just lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. But on All Is Falling, one especially hears the distance: the album is a single extended, eight-part piece, a web of guitar arpeggios, plaintive piano, strings and vocals. It’s an impressive feat, ambitious and personal, and could serve to announce Blackshaw’s arrival as a singular voice, unbound from any transitory scene. Too bad it’s pretty weak. dusted magazine
you, infinite ~ you, infinite
12 minutes ago
dusted: lounging for years on a freak folk'd bed of reliance towards the mid 2000's.. only to try and use Blackshaw's new album as an opportunity to put on some new sheets of "we now somehow see past"
there's clearly better ways to spend an entire review, try actually reviewing the album for what it is -- not for what it seems to represent
****.."past all this"
only to try and use Blackshaw's new album as an probability to place on some new sheets
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