microphones in the trees: strange mountain

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

strange mountain

soundtrack for a future passed, remembered and forgotten.
 recorded and performed : Marcel Thee 
style: ambient, new age

 Strange Mountain is Marcel Thee (Sajama Cut, Roman Catholic Skulls) from Jakarta, Indonesia

"lush and expansive dreamscapesin. deed as the title would indicate, this selection of tracks offers the beauty one might expect in an ambient release, but tempered with a very measured sense of reservation and thoughtful contemplation. the kind of emotional peace hard won at the ultimate realization of letting go. perhaps I'm seeing to literally into these tracks. at their surface these are enjoyed easily as meditation music, but I think there is more here. not just the act and appreciation of meditation but the rewards of a life spent focused on mindfulness and acceptance. broad wavering lines of synth, softly incorporated found sound. purity." guide me little tape

como no podía ser menos, la cinta más bonita y zen de Strange Mountain tenía que ser en Ginjoha Tapes. no importa lo vaga que esté últimamente, hay discos que bien merecen al menos cuatro líneas. discos que quieres compartir y que la gente conozca. discos elegantes y emotivos que no defraudan, que sólo viendo la portada (y no hablemos ya del sello) sabes que te van a gustar, no en vano tiene canciones como 'creatures of the sun', 'at day's end' o 'windows facing glasgow'. después de ellas, ya no puedo dejar de proclamar mi amor infinito a Strange Mountain. es el ambient más puro. es el ambient de las comparaciones con Iasos y Buchikamashi, también con Laaraji y la melancolía de Former Selves.

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