"The Glitter End" is Diva’s first solo shot and it’s a fantastic piece of work. 80s noir rubs shoulders with vibrant tropicália and mutated pop forms in this mysterious netherworld (...) “Glow Worm” is a case in point, as its steel drums, fuzz guitar and bubbling bass provide the perfect counterpoint for Diva’s captivating vocals. In contrast, the title track slow dances across the L.A. skyline, an analogue caress of whose lyrics the city’s mystical adventurer Jack Parsons would doubtless have approved. Leaving the stratosphere entirely, “Andromeda’s Lullaby" is a wonderfully woozy interstellar excursion, collapsing and re-emerging from waves of vintage synths. The album is interspersed with dizzying instrumentals that maintain the pace of the record beautifully. Take the tribal thump of “Spinning Vines” or the closing jangle and drift of “Highest Cloud” that leaves us driving up to the canyons as the Sun rises. Like I said, it’s a trip, but in Diva we have a true original as our guide". picadilly
foto: marlon kowalski
foto: marlon kowalski
ups, se ve que hemos escrito al mismo tiempo :)
sip y que estamos peleados con el formato también :))
voy a escuchar ahora mismo a cap'n jack
todo se resume en: los angeles.
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