microphones in the trees: wyrd visions

Friday, January 12, 2007

wyrd visions

"Wyrd Visions features Colin Bergh, a Toronto-based artist, and co-founder of the percussively experimental Awesome. Unlike Awesome Wyrd Visions play identifiable, if unusual songs (some people argue that Awesome mostly bang stuff, make noise, and chant). With Colin fronting 'Visions as a well-kitted couture elf, it's no surprise their sound bring to mind -- well shit, listening to "Bog Lord," I feel like I'm in a forest. On mushrooms. Or maybe I'm hanging out with my druidic friends, joking about wood nymphs and eating rare berries. And yes, AYF? loves rare berries."Freezing Moon" - the first track featured here - is a song originally written by Mayhem, the infamous black metal band. Read their story, because if you haven't, you are missing out on one of the strangest tales in music (yes, stranger than anything even Phil Spector could cook up). - are you familiar
os dejo con otro maravilloso (hay tantos) disco del 2006. akron family (más locos, más extraños, más osados) meets Quix*o*tic. a destacar fervorosamente 'Sigill', la elipsis, el bucle vocal, esa forma de cantar. nos gusta Coling Berg y su oscuro pasado, y la forma tan sutil de conectarlo con el folk.
bog lord (mp3)


Anonymous said...

Hummmm, Bog Lord, qué bella. Gracias por el buen rato...

ana said...

un placer don Nikolai. pero me gustaría que escuchases 'Sigill. estoy enganchada a ella:)

Anonymous said...

Me está costando horrores encontrarlo en el soulseek. Seguiré intentándolo.

Bog Lord me tiene enganchado...

Anonymous said...

sigo siempre sus recomendaciones con sumo interés pero efectivamente hay cosas q es muy difícil localizar...

Anonymous said...

gracias por recomendar y compartir este hermoso discazo!

con ustedes nunca hay falla ;))

Allen Ginsberg In Space said...

please post the whole thing .... ;(

Anonymous said...

Hey, solo me falta Air-conditioning, si alguien la sube monto el resto