microphones in the trees: georges ivanovitch gurdjieff

Sunday, March 24, 2013

georges ivanovitch gurdjieff

"Gorgeous harmonium improvisations from 1949 by Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, a Greco-Armenian mystic and philosopher who was an influential spiritual teacher of the early to mid-20th century who taught that the vast majority of humanity lives their entire lives in a state of hypnotic "waking sleep," but that it was possible to transcend to a higher state of consciousness and achieve full human potential. These harmonium improvisations date from his last musical period, during which these improv sessions took place following dinners Gurdjieff held in his Paris apartment during the Nazi Occupation and the immediate post-war years."

" ...George Gurdjieff a la par que poseía una poderosa mente científica, era bastante hábil con sus manos: cocinaba, arreglaba y reparaba artefactos, también inventaba máquinas. sanaba a hombres y mujeres, interpretaba música con su armonio y su guitarra. sabía jugar y reírse con sus semejantes hasta el cansancio." adan de abajo

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