Siete nanas compuestas, arregladas e interpretadas por Andria Degens (Current 93, Steven Stapleton, Christoph Heemann, Dirty Three...). Ella hace los dibujos, diseña sus propias portadas y toca todos los instrumentos (dulcimer, bowed dulcimer, bouzouki, cuenco tibetano y voces). El tiempo llegará y tal como llega, se irá.
'This is an album of an ineffable and unique beauty, quite unlike anything I have ever heard...' David Tibet de Current 93.
"I love Trees Hold Time. Andria has a lovely pure voice and her spirit is evident in her work. What a soulful collection!" - Antony of Antony and the Johnsons.
Bowing and Parting
Trees Hold Time
Wasps Changing Gear as they Make Their Way Up Hill
Sitting on the Mountain of Suan Mok
Thomas's House in Quiet Contemplation
Rising Higher with Matt McBane
3 hours ago
se busca casita de árbol en Fargorn. si alguien sabe algo que me escriba, plis!
hecho :)
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