microphones in the trees: estasy

Thursday, November 13, 2008


"black velvet mask, golden wigs, untied shoes, candle flames & beautiful trickling of wax, vine leaves, powder puffs.
mystery is the word. all tracks recorded in darkness. its about spiritual evol love emotion....its not the pills...oh oh whatever" emi estasy
sounds like: hundred goblins
be banshee (sample)
blue feather (sample)
opium song (sample)
der demon (sample)


. said...

gawker linked

Anonymous said...

y qué pasó con ¨la canción del ciempiés¨ de Ø +yn?
esos caminos por el bosque
y ese búho que no para de mirar


muy buenos los posts

Suzanna said...

your flickr is wonderful. thank you for all the favourites by the way. and if you're like me, you get more excited when people leave comments on your blog. i think i'll link you :)