"Yesternow, a new label dedicated to homespun acoustic music, makes an auspicious debut with this lovely 10-inch vinyl slab featuring five songs by Brighton-based Shoreline (guitarist Tom Cowan and Italian-born singer Beatrice Sanjust). The group's sound may call to mind current practitioners like Joanna Newsom and Vashti Bunyan but it also references a long-standing prog-folk tradition with Sanjust channeling Renaissance's Annie Haslam, for example, in the opening song. Though sparsely arranged, “Lightning” entrances on two counts: Sanjust's sweetly lilting vocal melody, plus the xylophone accents that percussively knock add distinctive contrast to Cowan's acoustic guitar. Delicate hums lend “Shipwrecked” a lullaby, campfire quality before the duo weaves a lulling chant over a banjo-guitar base, while “Sounds Like” is deliciously buoyant, with harp arpeggios first animating Sanjust's bright vocal and then Beach Boys-styled harmonies. If From Meden, Home & In Between is representative of so-called New Folk, more please."
"Shoreline began in 2005 when Tom met Beatrice at a bus station. They met again in the UK, recorded some sweet tiny songs together at the top of Tom's parent's house and released a CD featuring contributions from eight of their talented friends. Now they are recording some more songs in Tom's bedroom in Brighton, featuring contributions from another group of talented friends. An album is under construction as we speak."
"primer lanzamiento de este nuevo sello que nos presenta al dúo italo-inglés afincado en Brighton Shoreline. ahora que el terreno parece abonado para redescubrir el legado de la música folk y encontramos reintepretaciones desde todos los ángulos posibles, Shoreline se fijan en los maestros, sobre todo en la recuperada Vashti Bunyan, cuyas texturas vocales no son nada ajenas a las de Beatrice Sanjust, la vocalista de este dúo. Xilófonos, guitarras, bonitas letras y aires campestres en un disco que se une a Tunng en el revival del brit folk..." suburban lab
Kings (mp3)
escuchad también la preciosa Sounds Like en su página de myspace...me wanna see bumble bee up the tree it's me time for tea mmm mmmmm

Me entran ganas de saltar.. Yupi!!
'sounds like' es saltarina hasta el exceso y además consigue recordarme (again) las manzanas :p
por cierts, hablabas hace poco de Carla Sierra, pos mira a quién ha entrevistado oh!
por cierts, este mes sale ben chasny en rdl
y a lo mejor este sábedo hay tortiglia con alfombrillo
no me hables ahora de tortiglia que vengo de correr y me comería miles de tortiglias!!! ñam!!!
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