"...The journey is the point, and it is impossible to describe. How the second disc’s first track continues where disc one left off is amazing in itself, but the voyage to the East that comprises disc two might be one of the most satisfying statements this collective has made. As pulse fades and is supplanted by a droned ambiance, a very real sense of architecture brings completion.
This is essential listening, not only for the nnck and Sunburned enthusiasts that might have missed it the first time around, but for anyone wishing to explore the best of what was once new and weird in America." dusted magazine
new weird en estado puro y disco favorito de los muchos que ha editado No-Neck. desde la primera nota me ha hecho pensar en Pocahaunted, Silvester Anfang y, claro, Free Country de Davenport. "untitled cuatro" (saxo, flautas, palmas, tambores) es, junto a untitled ocho (percusiones, saxo e invocaciones) la canción-mantra definitiva.
filed under: "for anyone wishing to explore the best of what was once new and weird in America"
untitled 8 (mp3 sample)
cada vez me aficiono más a las canciones-mantra y con éstas mucho más ;-)
suena exactamente como la foto
fan fan fan
aiss los NNCK...que tipets.Por cierto,que pasó con lo del fanzine,se publicó y to eso?hasta que no he tenido internete aquí en granada andaba algo lost.saludos microfonantes
La foto tiene un trago eh!?! =D
el track que has puesto sin embargo es magnífico... coincido en todo lo que dices...
i really want to find their albums to download because i dont have any money but i cant find it anywhere :(
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