"split into two parts, “Rurtain” is a new elec-tronic piece which picks up from where the “Core To The Brave” lp on Root Strata left off, but taking a more abstract road into something more skeletal and strange. In the first part, broken beats cluster around minimal hits of percussion and wordless vocals that sound like they’re trapped in a vacuum, evoking a slightly unsettling atmosphere. things become a little more celebratory in the second part with the addition of some very erratic organ playing, giving an ecstatic and almost ‘free-jazz’ feel to the piece. the b-side features three very different interpretations of Richard’s originals by Neil Campbell (Astral Social Club), John Clyde-Evans and Daniel Lopatin (Oneohtrix Point Never). Neil’s version expands the organ of the second piece into a huge kaleidoscopic drone, whilst John hones in on the woodblock and percussion to make something more metallic and abrupt. finally Daniel Lopatin closes the lp grandly by adding violent stabs of digital synth and mel-ancholic guitar playing to Richard’s voice, almost creating a kind of futuristic ballad." alter
Dessin Bizarre, Anderdog :: Imagine (Mestnost)
57 minutes ago
Uno nuevo de Youngs siempre es bienvenido... damiedo eso de "picks up from where the “Core To The Brave” lp on Root Strata left off, but taking a more abstract road into something more skeletal and strange"... si ya "Core To The Brave" era "alienígena" a ver que ha hecho ahora este gran hombre...
Por cierto, recomiendo el libro de recetas veganas que escribió, buenísimo, el que más utilizo. (y tiene el buen gusto de introducir el gazpacho al mercado anglosajón)
hola tiptree! miedo no, pavor :) muchos de sus discos que siguen esa línea a veces son casi inaudibles, al menos para mí, pero esta canción me encanta, tiene ese punto de locura y al mismo tiempo me parece más 'humana', las voces me recordaron a the naïve shaman, mi disco favorito de él.
y la portada tenía que subirla sí o sí al blog :))
no sabía lo del libro de recetas veganas!
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